Lungs of a Champion / 2010
Teil der Ausstellung 'For the Love'
Lungs of a Champion / 2010
Anatomica / 2009
Furrier / 2009
Junkyard / 2010
Warhead / 2011
Tits Ahoy / 2011
Tits Ahoy / 2011
' ' / 2011
There was a time / 2012
Künsterlin: edith heidmann
Die Künsterlin Edith Heidmann ist aus Australien und lebt zur Zeit in Berlin.
Eine Unterhaltung über Krokodile, Sauerkraut und wie man in Australien zum Millionär wird.
L: To be honest: Admit that Australia is the most boring country in the world since Crocodile Hunter died.
E: Things just haven't been the same since the representative of our 'lucky country' kicked the bucket. I think he was somebody that we all aspired to. Since his tragic death in 2006 our whole nation has been in mourning. Instead of black though, we all started to don croc suits in his honour. Sad, really sad. A lesson to us all, not to play with our native fauna.
L: Do you think Australia will be completely at the mercy of a crocodile plague now that nobody catches them anymore?
E: All hail the crocodile. Up the numbers. In fact, we should just abolish man kind and let the crocs rule.
L: At the moment you're an artist in Berlin. What do you venture to not to be one among thousands?
E: Abandoned. Everything and everyone is fucking abandoned man.
L: Your father is german too but moved to Australia. Obviously, you learned from him that Germany isn't the place to be anymore, so why are you actually here?
E: Glühwein, Sauerkraut, Babes and Culture.
L: What's the difference between appreciation of art in Sydney and Berlin?
E: It's one and the same except Berlin is Newtown and Surry Hills (our 'creative' suburbs) on crack, x 1000 as a whole city.
L: Why don't you move back to Australia to become a millionaire by selling some hot Berlin shit like Club Mate?
E: Now that is how you would crack the fucking market. Perhaps I should go back, open up a cafe in a basement, name it U8, deck it out with some crates and only stock Mate, Mate.